My Enneagram personality type

My family is full of problem solvers. Solution finders. Fixers. Loyal people who work very hard, give everything 1,000% effort and who you can trust, absolutely. I always thought that was normal, until I began adulting and realized it wasn’t.

So it’s no wonder that I am the way I am, though I must admit, reading it in black and white was both affirming and kind of shocking.

My Enneagram test results (and yes I took the paid test to get the 23 page breakdown on my top 4, bc I literally can’t half-ass anything at all 😂) described me with perfection, from my faults to my challenges, to what I’m really great at.

And I must say, it’s really odd reading about yourself like that! I know they didn’t write those results FOR me specifically, but it’s kind of nuts how accurate it is.

Reading my results helped me understand how my brain works & why I do the things the way I do them. Learning what the driving forces behind my decisions are & understanding why my challenges are challenging and why I’m good at certain things, has been really helpful for me.

If you’ve taken the Enneagram test too, have you found that you’re wondering what type everyone is?

I totally am! I’ve discussed it with all of my immediate family (and then some) and found that most of us share one or two types, which is pretty neat. Must be why we get along so well. HAHA!

With that shared curiosity in mind, let’s find out what type(s) I am and see if you can relate!

The Loyalist: Type 6

#1 highest ranking
Aka: the Devil’s Advocate

Generally, Sixes are reliable, hard-working, organizing, vigilant, dutiful, evaluating, persevering, cautious, anxious, believing and doubting, conservative and liberal.

Sixes get into conflicts by being pessimistic, defensive, evasive, negative, worrying, doubtful, negativistic, reactive, suspicious, and blaming.

At their best, Sixes are courageous, cooperative, disciplined, grounded, secure, faithful, self-expressive, funny, and affectionate.

Sixes are meticulous, disciplined, and persevering. They are good with details, and they have a talent for seeing potential problems and dealing with them before problems get out of hand. They organize resources, prioritize tasks, and see projects through. They bring reliability, responsibility, hard work, and a sense of honor to all their affairs. Know that once they make a commitment, they do so 110 percent.

At Their Best
Healthy Sixes are able to elicit strong emotional responses from others: they are engaging, friendly, and playful— truly likable, dependable people. They bring a sense of trust and camaraderie to their relationships and treat everyone—including themselves—as an equal. They are strongly committed and loyal to the people in their lives, and they work hard to build stability, security, and prosperity in their homes, jobs, and communities. Healthy Sixes are the foundation of any society. They believe in cooperation and shared goals, helping to organize people and tackle problems. They bring a democratic approach to their dealings with others and will fight for the powerless and disenfranchised as they would for themselves.”

So, it turns out that’s exactly who I’ve always been and knew myself to be! It comes with a downside though, which I now understand much better.

Sixes are GREAT at problem solving, but at a cost to ourselves: anxiety. We’re always anxiously looking out for problems, for which we must have solutions prepared! That means my brain is constantly whirring at a miraculous speed, even though outwardly I appear laid back & calm.

This must be why when I’m focused and sitting at my desk I appear calm, cool & collected, but my right leg is bouncing up and down steadily as I work –almost of its own accord. Like––I don’t notice I’m doing this most of the time.

By anxiety, I don’t mean being afraid that aliens will abduct me. 😂 My fears are all based in rational thought. I mean thoughts like, ‘did I turn off the oven after I took out the cookies? Did I remember to set my alarm? If I need to be at X in a couple hours that means I need to leave by Y and start getting ready by Z in order to be on time. When is Brian waking up? How long should I give him to get ready, so we aren’t late? Did I feed the cat? –Oh I need to remember to buy more dish detergent; we’re getting low. I wonder if she/he read my email. It’s been a couple days, I hope I explained myself well.’ ––on and on and on, goes my inner dialogue.

A simple example of my problem solving in my day-to-day: my husband sets his glass down on the table too close to the edge (which he often does, and then subsequently spills its contents), I feel compelled to move it further inward. After all, we DO have a large 70 lb puppy in the house, and a mischievous cat, on top of my loving husband being somewhat spastic & unaware of his movements. (He spills things, a LOT. 🤷🏼‍♀️)

I tend to be more optimistic than pessimistic (thank you for that gift, Mom!), but I am always keeping my eyes peeled in order to prevent a potential problem, which makes my brain hyperactively vigilant about finding & fixing things. Always. I’m always 3 steps ahead trying to find out how things could go wrong, in order to prevent that from happening.

Even when baking or cooking; I clean up as I go, and am careful not to make a giant mess along the way. A stark difference from my husband who can do something simple like make homemade lemonade, and spill some sugar on the counter, miss spots of lemon juice & pulp & obliviously leave the counter sticky, even after wiping everything down (somehow). 😂 Bless his heart; the lemonade is always so good it’s worth any after-cleanup on my part!

If I pay attention…
Being a 6 can be exhausting, mentally, –I’m not gonna lie.

BUT I do genuinely enjoy problem solving, so as long as I don’t let it get out of hand, I choose to believe the root anxiety I have that creates my brilliant problem-solving skills, is a good thing!

People with this personality type:
Mark Twain, Sigmund Freud, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Robert F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, George H.W. Bush, Diana (Princess of Wales), Prince Harry, J.R.R. Tolkien, John Grisham, Mike Tyson, Bruce Springsteen, U2’s Bono, Melissa Etheridge, Eminem, Oliver Stone, Michael Moore, Spike Lee, Marilyn Monroe, Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Mark Wahlberg, Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Mel Gibson, Sally Field, Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Ellen Page, Paul Rudd, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ben Affleck, Hugh Laurie, Katie Holmes, David Letterman, Jay Leno, Ellen Degeneres, Andy Rooney, Katie Couric, Newt Gingrich, Chris Rock, Lewis Black, Larry David, Seinfeld’s “George Costanza,” (👈🏻OMG, no! lol) Lord of the Rings’ “Frodo Baggins”

The Peacemaker: Type 9

#2 highest ranking
Aka: the Mediator

Generally, Nines are patient, steady, easygoing, receptive, relaxed, unselfconscious, agreeable, uncomplicated, contented, comforting, sensual, and idealizing.

Nines get into conflicts by being emotionally unavailable, complacent, inattentive, unaware of their own anger, ineffectual, passive-aggressive, unrealistic, resigned, and stubborn.

At their best, Nines are self-aware, dynamic, inclusive, steadfast, healing, proactive, contemplative, natural, imaginative, serene, and exuberant, engaged and passionate.

Nines exemplify the desire for wholeness, peace, and harmony in our world. Nines are easygoing, emotionally stable people. They are open and unself-consciously serene, trusting and patient with themselves and others. Their openness allows them to be at ease with life and with the natural world. As a result, others generally find it easy to be in their company. They are genuinely good-natured and refreshingly unpretentious.

Because of their peaceful demeanor, Nines have a talent for comforting and reassuring others and are able to exert a calming, healing influence in difficult or tense situations. They make steady, supportive friends who can listen uncritically to others' problems as well as share their good times.

In work settings, they can be excellent mediators, able to harmonize groups and bring people together by really healing conflicts.

Nines are the eternal optimists, always wanting to believe the best about other people, with hope for the best for themselves. They hope that every story will end with, "...and they all lived happily ever after." Healthy Nines will work hard to make things turn out that way.”

Well, I must say: that explains a lot. 😂

I am the middle child with a little sister 5 years younger and a big sister that’s 16 years older. Both sisters always required more attention than I did, and we’re all forever waiting on my Dad for something. So I grew up learning how to be patient with others. Luckily, I suppose it comes naturally to me!

I have always been this way. Even at various jobs I’ve had over the years, I’ve always been the mediator, –able to listen & let people vent in a noncritical & understanding way. I can see both sides of the argument & play devil’s advocate to try & get them to understand the other side too, which often allows me to talk them through their anger or frustration.

I’ve always also been an advocate of others, often feeling that speaking out on behalf of someone else is easier than speaking out for myself.

The downside? This see-both-sides mentality often makes me indecisive, because I can… see both sides. LOL It can take me a long time to make big decisions, weighing all the details of both paths. “Big” decisions being relative to how I feel about them, not necessarily how you’d view it. 😉

For example, I’ve wanted an L-shape sectional couch for several years, but I don’t like spending money on furniture (I’d much rather buy a new iPad Pro & Apple Pencil, am I right?). It’s just not a priority for me. So, I’ll look and look in the price range of what I’m willing to spend and then I’m reminded that my husband’s budget is even lower than mine, so I usually get fed up with the whole thing & put it off again. BUT, when it was time to buy a new laptop, I decided that, researched it, discussed it with my husband AND purchased it within a week. #priorities

If I pay attention…
I can use this trait to better myself & those all around me– the world, even. My genuine desire to help people, paired with the ability to build communities & bring people together in a harmonious way is vital to this world. I just have to make sure I don’t constantly push care for myself aside, while I’m taking good care of everyone else. I’m important to myself too, and if I ever forget that, resentfulness can move in.

People with this personality type:
Queen Elizabeth II, Claude Monet, Norman Rockwell, Abraham Lincoln, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, Jr., General Colin Powell, Walter Cronkite, Walt Disney, Jim Henson (Muppets), Gloria Steinem, Tony Bennett, Ringo Starr, Carlos Santana, James Taylor, Janet Jackson, Jack Johnson, George Lucas, Ron Howard, Gary Cooper, Jimmy Stewart, Audrey Hepburn, Kevin Costner, Jeff Bridges, Morgan Freeman, John Goodman, Matthew Broderick, Whoopie Goldberg, Woody Harrelson, Geena Davis, Jason Segel, Lisa Kudrow, Toby McGuire, Zooey Deschanel, “Mister Rogers,” “Homer and Marge Simpson”

The Achiever: Type 3

#3 highest ranking
Aka: the Motivator

Generally, Threes are effective, competent, adaptable, goal-oriented, ambitious, organized, diplomatic, charming, into performance, and image-conscious.

Threes get into conflicts by being expedient, excessively driven, competitive, selfpromoting, "appropriate" instead of sincere, boastful, and grandiose.

At their best, Threes are inner-directed, authentic, modest, admirable, well-adjusted, gracious, interested in others, and self-accepting.

Threes are the "stars" of the personality types—people of tremendous drive, ambition, and belief in themselves. Threes want to excel, to be the best at whatever they do, and they are willing to put in the effort it takes to do so.

Threes are, above all, goal-oriented. They get a particular objective in their sights and then actively engage in activities that will bring them closer to whatever they seek. They pursue their dreams tirelessly, and cannot understand why others are not similarly motivated. Thus, Threes also enjoy sharing self-development tips, explaining how to make money, lose weight, develop career skills, and so forth. They are hard workers, diligent and effective—and they like helping others to be that way, too.

Once they are given a task to perform, will do their best to make sure that it is done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The problem is that Threes can be efficient to a fault—becoming accomplishment machines, brushing their real feelings and needs aside to "get the job done." This way of living can leave Threes feeling empty and emotionally isolated, despite the successes they may be having.”

Hmm… that sounds really familiar, too.

Tirelessly pursuing dreams? ✅
Sharing self-development tips? ✅
Explaining how to _____ ? ✅
Working all day to get a task done, at my own expense? Not eating or taking a break until I’m done? Making my husband irritated that I’m working too much?
✅ ✅ ✅

😳 Y’all. I love what I do. I can definitely get 100% wrapped up in it and forget the whole world exists while I’m “in it.”

When I get focused on doing something, I don’t tend to want to be interrupted. I don’t want to stop for anything, until I’m done. Any interruptions, even from people (or pets) I love, will likely be viewed as an annoyance, blocking my efficient progress.

I can usually contain my frustration, because I do realize my loved ones (again, and pets) are not doing this to me on purpose. They don’t understand my frustration or generally that the interruption is bothering me at all. But it’s a work in progress. As I type this EXACT paragraph, my cat, Willow, is vying for my attention by walking across my lap & strategically standing in such a way that I can’t see my laptop screen. I’m peering around her tiny body to see what I’m writing. Annoyance? Or sweet kitty? 🖤

If I’m paying attention…
I will not let myself get so single-minded during a project, that I can’t stop temporarily & make time for those I love, when they need me. I will let them know before I start a project if I truly can’t be interrupted until I’m done.

People with this personality type:
Augustus Caesar, Emperor Constantine, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Prince William, Condoleeza Rice, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Lewis, Muhammed Ali, John Edwards, Mitt Romney, Bill Wilson (AA Founder), Andy Warhol, Truman Capote, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Bernie Madoff, Bryant Gumbel, Michael Jordan, O.J. Simpson, Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, Elvis Presley, Paul McCartney, Madonna, Sting, Whitney Houston, Jon Bon Jovi, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Brooke Shields, Cindy Crawford, Tom Cruise, Barbra Streisand, Ben Kingsley, Jamie Foxx, Richard Gere, Will Smith, Courtney Cox, Demi Moore, Kevin Spacey, Reese Witherspoon, Anne Hathaway, Ryan Seacrest, Mad Men’s “Don Draper,” Glee’s “Rachel Berry”

The Reformer: Type 1

#4 highest ranking
Aka: the Perfectionist

Generally, Ones are conscientious, sensible, responsible, idealistic, ethical, serious, self-disciplined, orderly, and feel personally obligated to improve themselves and their world.

Ones get into conflicts by being opinionated, impatient, irritable, rigid, perfectionistic, critical (and self-critical), sarcastic, and judgmental.

At their best, Ones are tolerant, accepting, discerning, wise, humane, prudent, principled, fair, and able to delay rewards for a higher good.

Ones are nothing if not thorough and well organized. Some Ones express this as an extraordinary concern with "neatness," the kind of people whose socks and underwear are folded neatly, whose file folders are labeled and filed alphabetically, and whose pencils are all sharpened. Other Ones focus their perfectionism in other areas, such as punctuality, ethical standards, political or religious ideals, office protocols, or uncovering misdeeds and untruths.

While Ones tend to see themselves as people of logic and reason, they are often driven by strong feelings and impulses—usually experienced as personal convictions.

In brief, Ones want to be right, to strive higher and improve everything, to be consistent with their ideals, to justify themselves, and to be beyond criticism so as not to be condemned by anyone. Ones do not want to be proven wrong, to make mistakes, to allow sloppiness, to be with people they perceive as lazy or not serious, to be in chaos or in situations that seem out of control, or to be embarrassed by emotional display.

So this being the lowest of my top 4 rankings, out of the 9 personality types, it’s not as much of a perfect fit.

However, I can still definitely relate. I definitely have OCD tendencies and like things to be a certain way. When my husband & I first got married, I folded & put away all the bath towels, because if he did it, he’d put them in the closet the wrong way. 😂 I prefer the folded edge to be facing out so I know which fabric grouping is only a single towel when I pull one out. He can’t grasp how that matters, and me also being a 9, I now know why I never pressed the issue. I also now know that some battles just aren’t worth fighting. Heeheehee

I also: always return our shopping cart to the cart return after loading the car, prefer for the toilet paper to be OVER the roll, rather than under; for the person who runs out of toilet paper/paper towels/soap in the bathroom to go replace it him/herself, as a courtesy for the next person. {This especially drives me insane, in an office situation: people who use the last paper towel but don’t even bother to let someone know it’s out; people who just add water to the soap dispenser to make the best of the last dregs of soap, rather than getting/adding more soap; people who open a new toilet paper roll even though there’s already one being used… etc.}

A lot of these little imperfections are things only I notice. Details only I’m catching or caring about.

If I’m paying attention…
I have to be careful how much power I give these little things, lest it take over and suck my happiness dry, filling it up with irritation, anger or frustration. Not everyone cares about these little minute details. Do they truly matter in the big scheme of things? No, probably not. 😉

People with this personality type:
Confucius, Plato, Joan of Arc, Mahatma Gandhi, Pope John Paul II, Nelson Mandela, Margaret Thatcher, Prince Charles, Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge), Jimmy Carter, Michelle Obama, Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, George Bernard Shaw, Thoreau, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Anita Roddick (The Body Shop), Martha Stewart, George Harrison, Joan Baez, Celine Dion, Ralph Nader, Jerry Seinfeld, Bill Maher, Tina Fey, Katherine Hepburn, Maggie Smith, Emma Thompson, Julie Andrews, Jane Fonda, Meryl Streep, Harrison Ford, Helen Hunt, Captain “Sully” Sullenberger, “Mary Poppins,” “Mr. Spock,” SNL’s “The Church Lady”

How they work together to make me who I am & how I’m using this knowledge to grow:

Now it gets interesting.

As a 6, I switch to a 9 for growth and a 3 under stress.
As a 9, I switch to a 3 for growth and a 9 under stress.
As a 3, I switch to a 6 for growth and a 9 under stress.
And as a 1, I switch to a 7 for growth, and a 4 under stress.

Knowing all of this about myself, helps me understand my knee jerk reactions. Helps me understand my emotional state under extreme stress. Helps me understand where my anxieties are generated and how to alleviate them. Helps me understand my habits and how I interact with others.

If I’m more aware of myself, then it’s easier for me to become a successful human being, an independent person, a better wife, a good friend, an understanding & patient family member, and a more loving pet owner. 🖤

Are you a 6, 9 or 3 too? I bet we have a lot in common!

Working with someone like you could be really fun!

Katelyn Dekle

This article was written by me, Katelyn Dekle, the owner & designer behind Launch the Damn Thing®!

I love coffee & chai, curse like a sailor, make meticulous plans, am very detail-oriented, and love designing websites on Squarespace. As a Web Designer & Educator with nearly 20 years of professional design experience, I’m still passionate about helping & teaching others how to finally 'launch the damn thing' –and have fun in the process!

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