what my clients say

Jackie & Ariane say,
VIP Day Katelyn Dekle VIP Day Katelyn Dekle

Jackie & Ariane say,


We are thrilled with the result! Our website was in need of "spiffing up!" We were looking for an expert who could help us straighten out our website in terms of mobile accessibility and a few other issues, and Katelyn met and exceeded our expectations! It was a relief to be able to hand our website over and know it was in good hands.

During our half Design Day, she was able to not only able to tackle our concerns but also to add great features to our website that will help us reach our audience more effectively and improve the user experience on our site. The overview video that she provided to summarize her changes and the extremely generous resource collection have been learning experiences in themselves, and as website DIYers, we appreciate learning from an expert!

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