Cookie Consent Tool

How to use our Cookie Consent Tool

Warnings & Consent Requests

If you see a warning/informational popup covering something on our website (see Example A), that usually indicates what’s underneath is managed by a third party, such as an embedded video from YouTube or Vimeo, a GIF from Giphy, a spreadsheet from Airtable or Google Sheets, etc.

That message is asking for your consent to load (view) that third-party element on our website. Your consent grants you ‘access’ to see the embedded feature/element, but also consents to whatever analytics tracking may be associated with it, such as YouTube or Vimeo’s video views tracking, etc.

Setting Your Preferences

At any time you can Accept All or Deny All privacy tracking, –or set individual preferences per third-party service/element (see Example B below) using the popup widget (ie: our “Cookies Consent Tool” from UserCentrics). These settings are specific to your use of our website, and your computer will remember them as long as you want it to. By default, non-essential services are set to “Deny” until you accept them.

You can change or update your personal privacy settings at any time from the button in our footer, on our main Legal Sh!t page, or on this page, –all of which will say “Change My Privacy Settings” and will open the popup widget again to let you select/re-select which third-party services to allow/deny individually & save your changes.

For your convenience, the settings panel will open overlaying whatever content or page you’re currently on so you will not lose your place while using our website.

Keep in mind

Please keep in mind that many of these third-party services are used to educate, entertain or help you in some way, so denying consent will not necessarily improve your user experience while using our website regularly.

Example A:
a warning/informational popup covering something on our website

Example B:
Accept All or Deny All privacy Settings using our Cookie Consent Tool by UserCentrics



