Updates are coming!

Updates are coming! ❕

Squarespace Template Shop

Want the custom look without the price tag? I get it!

My templates are complete, done-for-you websites dropped into your account.

To help you LAUNCH IT FAST, these aren’t a set of design-it-from-scratch tutorial videos. They’re not even a group of design settings & elements to be “installed.” Each template is a 100% working website that comes with my how-to guides to make your changes, that only needs to be upgraded to a paid plan to launch as-is, immediately after receiving access to it in your account.

7.1 design (Fluid Engine) - Coming in 2024!

With Squarespace's release of Fluid Engine (the new editor in v7.1), all of my old 7.1 templates & how-to tutorials needed to be redone so I'm revamping EVerything from the ground up!

My goal is to have just ONE new base template which will come with:

  • 1 designed page for every conceivable page type most new businesses need to launch successfully

  • page-by-page content guides to help you fill the most important template pages with strategic content

  • a course to teach you how to customize each page AND best practices for managing it yourself

  • FREE access to my mini-course: '6 Strategies to get more sales & eyes on your website’ (preview video here)

  • lifetime updates to the educational content

Can't wait to get your hands on a template?

Join the waitlist & you'll get EARLY ACCESS with these perks before everybody else, –first launch ONLY!

❶ an exclusive discount

❷ extra support

❸ a chance to tell me how it could be even better

❹ a free 30-min 1:1 website strategy coaching session with me (only 10 spots available!)

7.1 designs (Classic Editor)
