Squarespace Web Design & Business Tips


Business Tips, Productivity Tips Katelyn Dekle Business Tips, Productivity Tips Katelyn Dekle

Comparing: ClickUp, Asana, Trello, Zenkit, Airtable, Milanote & Quire

There are SO many Project Management tools out there that are worth a look, but which one is the right fit for YOU?

I’ve taken the time to break down the ones I’ve used & organize them into feature lists so you can search for what you need and see which apps offer those things.

Now, let’s see which app is the right fit for your productivity needs!

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Client Relationship Management vs. Project Management tools

As a business newb (or even a business pro), you’ve probably heard other entrepreneurs tossing around phrases like “client management” or acronyms like “CRM” or “PM” and you might not have any idea what they mean.

Maybe you bought something like Dubsado or Honeybook and now you’re confused because you don’t understand why people are also using a PM/Project Management tool –and how do they integrate? Why do you need both?

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Katelyn, here!

I’m the Founder, Owner, CEO, Designer & Educator at Launch the Damn Thing® and I love coffee, cursing & carefully laid plans. 😂 (Also reading, blaring loud music, and teaching, –but those didn’t fit into my nice alliteration!)

Learn more over here!

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